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Department of Computer Science


The Department of Computer Science is currently running under the Head of Prof.Wilson.S.,MCA.,MPhil.,M.Tech.,(Ph.D) with 17 years of experience.

  • The Lab Facility in the department of computer Science contains high performance systems with Internet Facilty.
  • My SQL server and oracle for database connectivity,C and C++ for basic programming,Java and Apache Tomcat server for web programming are available for the students.
  • The Department also conducts job oriented courses like PC Assembly & Troubleshooting, PageMaker and Photoshop.

Our Faculty Members

  • Dr. S.Wilson
  • Mr. G. Suresh Solomon
  • Mrs. N. Sindhu
  • Mrs. K.Vanitha
  • Mrs. T. Jansi
  • Dr. V. Josephine Sutha
  • Dr. R. Ezhilarasi
web design

Dr.S.Wilson HOD(PG)

Qualification : M.C.A., M. Phil., M. Tech., SET,. Ph.D.

Assistant Professor & Head of the Department of PG


Dr. V.Josephine Sutha

Qualification : M.Tech., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

web design

Mrs. K.Vanitha

Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil.

Assistant Professor

web design

Mr. G. Suresh Solomon HOD(UG)

Qualification : M.C.A., M. Phil., SET.

Assistant Professor & Head of the Department of UG


Mrs. T. Jansi

Qualification : M.Sc.,M.Phil.,

Assistant Professor


Mrs. N. Sindhu

Qualification : M.E.,

Assistant Professor

web design

Dr. R. Ezhilarasi

Qualification : M.Sc., M.Tech., Ph.D.,

Assistant Professor